Friday, 15 August 2014

Underpriveledged Children

underpriveledged children

Underpriveledged Children

It is amazing how many underpriveledged children there is in the world.

Let not alone how many underpriveledged children there are here in South Africa.

It is our responsibility as adults to take care of these undepriveledged children.

What I am looking for is donations from people to help me take care of underpriveledged children here in South Africa.

What I got in mind as a engineering specialist is to build foster homes for underpreviledged children giving them a chance in life.

Should you feel as to give freely a financial contribution to help feed and house underpriveledged children are you free to send me an email.

So far did I got a ammount from a French Lady to build a home for orphans but could as well serve as a home for undepriveledged children.

Further do these underpriveledged chidren need education and medical treatment if required.

Let us improove the conditions for our underpriveledged children by helping me with your contribution to better serve the needs of our undepriveledged children.

underpriveledged children

Underpriveledged Children can not allways be left for the government to take care of we as senior citizens has a responsibility towards society to help take care of these underpriveledged children as well as people in need.

Me Herman Dreyer feel genuinely committed to do my best as a God fearing person to really do my share in order to make life better for underpriveledged children.

underpriveledged children

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Underpriveledged Children

Herman Dreyer
